We're here to help
Our training hub has been set up to help you with any general enquiries or on-shift queries.
What is our service?
How do I invite patients?
Who are our doctors?
How to get further support?
What conditions do we treat?
How to answer concerns?
What's the patient's process?
Which patients are eligible?
How to get marketing assets?
Training Guide
Common practice queries
Child consultations
*Check your practice offers them*
Checking patient eligibility
It’s important to check your patients meet a few basic requirements before sending them an invite. We are currently unable to consult with:
× Emergency patients of all types
× Patients without a mobile number registered to them
× Anyone unable to speak enough English to understand what our service is for
× Patients who do not hold any accepted photographic ID
Valid adult ID types:
Driving Licence
Provisional Drivers Licence
UK Disabled Driver Card
Military ID Card
Valid child ID types:
Birth certificate
Answer verification questions
For more information on child consultations, please click here.
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